Saturday June 18th:
11:00am sign in at the Visitor’s Center, please pick up a t-shirt/name tag and collection forms, there will be coffee and light refreshments
11:30 am quick tutorial on how to use the iNaturalist software
12:00 pm – BioBlitz begins
4:30-5:00 – Berkshire Biological Identification Day 1
Dark – “Firefly Count” with Scott LaGreca and a “Moth-Light” demonstration
Saturday June 19th
7:00 am-9:00 am Saturday – Bird identification walks
9 am -10:30 Berkshire Biological Identification Day 2
9am-12pm – Mammal Tracking with Elia Del Molino, Berkshire Wildlife Tracker and BEAT Program Manager
12:00pm –Bioblitz ends survey counts will be submitted at this time (future counts can be sent in at a later date.) Please turn in your species list to Lisa Provencher or Scott LaGreca at or before you leave or use iNaturalist “Berkshire Bioblitz 2016”.