Berkshire BioBlitz Is Back!

The next Berkshire BioBlitz (a.k.a. Biodiversity Days) will take place June 13 & 14, 2014
  • 24-hour bio assessment of the Three Mile Hill Trail/Fountain Pond State Park. (
  • The goal is to identify as many species as possible! Birds, reptiles, mammals, plants, fish… everything!
  • Save the Date! June 13 & 14, 2014


A BioBlitz increases the public’s awareness of the variety of life in their immediate area, and the importance of that diversity. The word “biodiversity” is often used to refer to rainforests with their vast number of species, while the diversity of life in our own backyards is phenomenal. We may take for granted clean water, fertile soil, and clean air to breathe. Yet these resources are the result of a healthy ecosystem supported by local plants and animals. What better way to address this topic than to  experience the vast array of species that can found in just one day?

A BioBlitz is an excellent tool to excite both children and adults about science. During these events, biologists from many disciplines have the rare opportunity to share their passions with people of all ages who will work side-by-side toward a common goal.

This year’s Berkshire Bioblitz lead organizer is Collin Adkinse AmeriCorps Member – MassLIFT, Service Learning Coordinator, AMC-Berkshires, South Egremont, MA
Greenagers, Great Barrington, MA. Contact Collin at: More information coming soon!


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